English & Literature
The English Language and Literature department aims to mould Mayflowerians to be Effective Speakers, Creative Writers and Critical Thinkers through a holistic language-learning approach.
The Team
Teacher |
Designation |
Mdm Santhi Allagoo |
Mdm Suhailah Jasni |
Mr Teo Boon Hua Francis |
School Staff Developer |
Mrs Evelyn Ng |
Senior Teacher |
Miss Allycia Teo |
Teacher |
Mdm Dzarina Tarih |
Teacher |
Mdm Gina Ng |
Teacher |
Mrs Janet Ong |
Teacher |
Mrs Jasmine Chan |
Teacher |
Mr Jeremy Ong Zhen Wei |
Teacher |
Mdm Patricia Kwek |
Teacher |
Mdm Shagun Anand |
Teacher |
Ms Su Haiyin |
Teacher |
Notable Programmes and Events

Applied Learning Programme (ALP) in English Curriculum
This is the 5th year of a four-year progressive ALP in Effective Communication where students are given the opportunities to hone their speaking and writing skills via various platforms to be confident communicators. The ALP aims to develop effective communication skills within students whereby they are encouraged to express their ideas and opinions clearly and effectively taking into consideration the Purpose, Audience and Context.
Speech and Drama Programme

The Secondary 1 students explore drama and stage presentations in Semester 1. During the course of the programme, students tap on their creativity to craft and flesh out scripts in lessons, and learn stage directions and masterful use of voice to produce an entertaining skit. The EL teachers parallel the ALP sessions by encouraging students to turn an inward eye and reflect on their own progress and learning during the Reading lessons. The winning teams stage their skits during assembly programmes or the ALP Showcase session.
Journalism and Broadcast Programme
The Secondary 2 students participate in Journalism and Broadcast programme in Term 2. With the objective to develop students to be confident communicators, especially in the context of Journalism and Broadcast, the training sessions are truly proof of what teamwork, effort and training can do to help students to become confident presenters. The trainings would culminate to learning journeys to related organisations which further stimulate the students in their learning. Such ALP programmes are definitely welcomed by the Lower Secondary students as they find many exciting moments to collaborate with each other to complete their projects. The group presentations that feature students’ news reporting, photo journalism and feature articles, best capture their journey of discovery in a vibrant manner. Such rich ALP opportunities, more importantly, help the school spot our talent.
Debates and Public Presentations
Our Upper secondary students are exposed to an array of activities such as presentations and debates. The capable ones from all levels are identified and trained to be student emcees and presenters at the school events as well as competitive events beyond school.
Literature Curriculum

In the Literature curriculum, there are plenty of opportunities for students to engage in Joyful learning through fun activities. For example, students are exposed to recreating dramatic and significant moments by varied learning approaches such as making 3-dimensional models, dioramas, posters, comic strips, clever arrangements of newspaper clippings, role-plays, video clips, and sometimes even a treasure hunt. From their research and group presentations, there is much emphasis on the value of teamwork and collaboration learning. The Secondary 1 Express students are encouraged to showcase their projects based on their Literature set text The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. Our upper secondary literature students are exposed to debates and skits and those in ALP Tier 2 are stretched to participate in assembly programmes, debates and competitive events beyond school such as PESA and ACJC Orator’s Trophy. The department also organises Literature Virtual Experience (Sec 1) as well as Learning Journeys to Peranakan Museum (Sec 2) related to the set texts, engaging students in exploration of setting, characterisation and theme. Such sessions are abuzz and engaging as students are urged to pose questions to the presenters and even write mini reflections and words of encouragement for their friends. Over the years, there have been a variety of mixed media products presented that demonstrated students’ interpretation and understanding of the Literature textbooks. As a whole, students are always encouraged to be empathetic through characterisation and role-plays make insightful connections between the novel and the contemporary world issues.